Suffocation - Infecting The Crypts (Live In Hammersonic, 28 April 2012)
Added 1,283 ViewsSuffocation - Infecting the Crypts (Live in Hammersonic). Live at Lapangan D Senayan, Jakarta, Indonesia (28 April 2012). Video by www.jurnallica.com.
Symbolyc - Ad Litora Inferni (Live @ TOTAL METAL FESTIVAL 2014, 20/07/14)
Added 1,155 ViewsSymbolyc Live footage from Total Metal Festival 2014 with Kreator, Behemoth, Decapitated, Moonspell, Annihilator & others.Ad Litora Inferni (from Apocrypha)
The Apex - Glass Walls
Added 1,048 ViewsThe Apex at Venue Music Hall in Windsor Ontario - Nov 19, 2015facebook.com/wearetheapexVideo by: Urban Grind Mediafacebook.com/urbangrindmediawww.urbangri ndmedia.com
The Faceless - Coldly Calculated By Design - Hawthorne Theater, Portland, OR
Added 1,203 Views -
Torture Rack - Apocalytpic Wrath Of The Undead - 5/16/14 Slabtown, Portland, OR
Added 1,030 Views